Our seal of approval

The Qualitätssieger.de test seal

Why another seal?

A number of implausible seals, some of which have been created by retailers themselves, are circulating, especially on the Internet, in order to gain an unfair competitive advantage.

With our Qualitätssieger.de test seal, we would therefore like to offer a seal that pays special attention to the independent and objective testing of the test products and a comprehensible and therefore transparent evaluation.

This is the only way a seal of quality can really help customers with confidence in their purchase decision!

Find out more about the test criteria

The authenticity features of our seal

1. The product must be named.

2. The brand must be named.

3. The test period must be specified.

4. The QS code allows consumers to check the test in our database.

5. There must be a link to the full test result.

If individual elements are missing or the product cannot be called up in our database via the QS code, the seal is most likely not valid.

In this case, we would like to ask you to report the violation via our contact page .

Are you interested in a free pre-check?